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Sunday, June 2, 2024



The Title itself tell us to have a core attention to notice the hidden!

As we move further into the discussion we need to understand that to notice or to focus something , we always need to have a controlled on our mind, a disturbed mind or a confused mind never allow us to notice things which actually need our attention. The power to have control on one's mind has been blessed to everyone by the GRACE OF GOD, we need to know we have been blessed by many things by GOD'S GRACE but we often forget to see how blessed we are, because we all are so busy with our own struggles in our day to day life and try to achieve things which gives pleasure for a while, whole world were running to have a big house, huge bank balance, big cars, fame and to maintain a good reputation.

when we say that everything is temporary, then what is permanent? The question rises here, our behaviour , our acts towards the people around us, our way of actions and reactions towards a person or there thoughts , the way we become  or the way we behave when things come up towards us. These are the things which makes your reputation , which makes your character , which makes your identity in someone's life. Even though everything get perish , these are the things which remains alive to ages.
People often says be aware of evil acts, evil thoughts or any kind of negativity, but I will say "BE AWARE  BY YOURSEFL". Because it's not always someone else harm us, sometimes it's we ,ourselves destory  our own image. This is something which is hidden, which never come to light till we left with no choice.

Look around yourself , keeping an eye on our behaviour could help us to maintain peace and happiness in our lives. People never look at your appearance, your bank balance or your reputation, everyone remember you the way you be with them, the way you act in situations , the way you respond to someone or to some situation. when we keep our mind at peace and not act immediately ,rather have a second to just calm down for a while and you'll get control of everything at a time. 
Remember to know what you are and what impact you want to put on other's life which makes your hidden treasure more beautiful and wide.
It's always we, who decide how our own image to be left in this world.



NOTICE THE HIDDEN The Title itself tell us to have a core attention to notice the hidden! As we move further into the discussion we need to ...