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Friday, May 29, 2020

beauty of Nature

Nature is a god gift to this world .Its beauty is not only seen, hear or smell by us, it’s a feeling that can’t be erased.

Enjoy the first snowfall of winter months, enjoy the first rainfall of rainy season, enjoy sunrise and sunsets once in lifetime, enjoy the winter winds, enjoy the rainbow after rainfall.

These are the easiest ways to enjoy nature. Every work is important but enjoying life with nature is more amazing and necessary. Once every year go with your family, friends, to enjoy nature and its beauty. 

when something goes wrong, go to Nature! It has its own ways to give you a warm comfort. Research has shown by connecting with Nature one can heal themselves from heartbreaks, sorrows, depression, lose in business and almost all the negativity can disappear.

Nature has its own ways to protect itself  and even to us.

Try it and you'll see the wonders around yourself!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Go with your Intuitions! They know your destiny.

So what is Intuition is?
When you get confused taking a decision,like everyone tell you to do something and you feel something else. The more strong voice which keep on whispering in your mind, that's what intuition is!

Some people feel a strong urge or sense in there core when something is wrong while others, with a less developed intuition, might feel a small inkling that they aren't really sure how to interpret it. Some people are born with a strong intuition and know how to listen to it from an early age whereas others develop their intuition or tune into it as they grow a stronger sense of self-confidence. The more that you love and trust yourself, the more in touch you become with your intuition."

There's a reason why that particular thought keeps on popping up in your head. It's your intuition trying to speak to you. 
Never discredit your gut instinct. You are not paranoid. Your body can pick up on bad vibrations.
 If something deep inside of you says something is not right about a person or situation, trust it.” 
Money comes and goes, but your inner feelings, your gut feelings, your manhood, your womanhood, whatever, that stays with you. That don't go anywhere. So you either proud of who you are and how you handle situations or you not. If you handle a situation wrong, you, it will haunt you.     

Monday, May 25, 2020

When life knocks you down!

When life knocks you down, do you bounce back fast or drown in your emotions and give up?

When bad things happen, it’s natural to feel down. You may even fall into the trap of assuming that things will never get better. Unfortunately, this mindset is the very thing that keeps so many people stuck in one place and drowning in victimhood.

Take a moment and think back to every hardship you have endured in the past.It doesn’t matter how many times you fall. All that matters is that you bounce back.

I’m a true believer that you will never know how strong you actually are until being strong is the only option that you have.

From my personal experience, I have found that the longer you stay down, the harder it is to get back up again.
I encourage you to use every fall as an opportunity to evolve into a wiser human being. Failing is merely proof that you’re trying; so fail more and do it well!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Power of your positive thoughts

Positive thinking is an emotional and mental attitude that focuses on the good and expects results that will benefit you.

Want to learn how to think positive? The first step is realizing it’s all up to you. When you become the master of your emotions, you can always determine your mindset regardless of outside influences. Taking responsibility for how you think, act and feel allows everything in your life to fall into place. Sometimes you can’t control life’s events – but you can control how you react to them. 
You can choose to focus on the negatives or the positives of this – and any – scenario, but if you choose to focus on what’s bothering you, it will begin to negatively impact your life. You’ll also attract more negative situations – people won’t be friendly to you when you’re scowling and hostile. You’ll forget that you can empower yourself to tackle any situation and start believing that positive thinking is out of your reach. You may evenpunish your partner or others for not living up to your expectations, eroding your relationships and adding to more bitterness.

Yes, positive thinking can change your life. Studies have found that positive thinking helps you live longer, reduces loneliness and more. But the most life-changing effect of positive thinking has to do with the law of attraction. This is the idea that what you focus on, you attract.

“Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life.” When you focus on the negative, you’ll experience more negatives. But when you focus on the positive, the whole world opens up to you.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

something special is waiting for you!

Nature, this is a gift from god to all humanity and yet still we destroy it, nature is a necessityto make our world look beautiful and spectacular and is also needed to grow all of our crops.

We are blessed on this planet with small glimpses of the divine. They are all around us. We need not look far to find the beauty. Small miracles are all around us. We simply need to go outside and take a look around at all of the great creation to which we belong.when God keep you waiting, and you feel stucked in or something is holding your wings tight! During that have faith and stay strong,because to fly like a butterfly we need to get through the stage of pupa.

There’ve been people across the world that have beaten all the odds against them, and they have done so with a positive outlook on life. A positive attitude and a willingness to keep going will get you past your problems and into a place of peace. Give it a try!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Break your fear!

When you fear,you feed your mind with negative energy

And negative energy further attracts negative circumstances in your life

So whenever you fear something, try to think of something positive happening in your life

You have conquered all the challenges life has thrown at you and things can change if YOU try !
There is no more sure way to fail than to never try. This year, don’t let fear kill your hustle before you even get moving.

Have a positive life ahead. 

Healing power of music

Music it’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.” Most of us would wholeheartedly agree with this statement.
In our everyday life, it is practically impossible to avoid stress. Even if you tell yourself not to let it happen, it is extremely very hard to control the way you feel and react to a stressful situation. When you are facing stress, the best you can do is to listen to music. Play your favorite music tunes that make you calm down. You can create a playlist for various situations and play these tunes depending on 

Feel the rhythm and you'll enjoy the peacefulness of the universe.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

What you see can comes in a different form

Once a girl going  through some crisis in her life and she think there is no possible way to get out of it.she stop herself talking to others,she stopped laughing,she took herself in a way where there is no happiness at all.All she think is there is an end to her happy life. 
One day while walking back to her home she saw a small girl,her dress was so messy,  no haircut and had a small dirty doll in her hands.
But inspite of her dirty look she noticed that the small girl was smiling and happy.
That day she realized that happiness comes from within you not by the things you don't have or by the situations going in you life.
If you are happy your world is happening!


NOTICE THE HIDDEN The Title itself tell us to have a core attention to notice the hidden! As we move further into the discussion we need to ...