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Sunday, July 4, 2021


As per nature's law, there are 3 ways of living in our life. Most of the time we experience different ways in different circumstances.
The first law explains "GOOD TO GOOD".
Many of us constantly do good for those who do good to us, and that's how the law goes on for years. If someone is doing good to us it's biological to do good for them, we feel that balanced satisfaction for doing so. It doesn't matter if they ask you to be good to them in return or not but the universe teaches us this principle since ever we start knowing the difference between good and evil. It's inbuilt within us from the starting to maintain this harmony in our journey of life.
The second law says " BAD TO BAD".
This too holds the same equivalent law of nature. Where if someone did bad to you no matter how good a person you are somewhere deep inside you feel that evil side of yours to do the same with them. When you endure this circumstance, the law of the natural human tendency get awakens within you. This keeps on telling you to continue to let them know how it feels when they experience the same what they have done to us. Most of the time people continue this "tit for tac" rule in an illusion for making people realize what they have done and how bad it feels to others and once they feel the same, they may change their attitude towards doing bad to others.
The third and the most difficult law "GOOD TO BAD".
This law is quite difficult to get into our lives, as from the beginning, we have been taught about good to good and bad to bad, this law of doing or being good even to bad takes massive courage to continue. This comes into those who take a stand above the natural laws which we have discussed before, we all know every one of has two sides of doing good to good and bad to the bad and that's how it flows but it takes strong courage to do good to bad where your inner soul fights backs with the inbuilt law of bad to bad, not always the situation continues in the same way but somewhere you have to decide to continue doing good even to the bad or not? Because if you keep proceeding with your high level of good to bad, it may not allow some people to learn between good and bad. Because they never come to know what bad they are doing if you don't show them, and here you become a culprit. It's your high level of nature to continue your goodness even with bad but you need to decide where you have to take a step back, not to become the same as others who do bad to bad but to make people realize their continuity of being bad. 
It's alright if you are living with the most natural laws of the universe of good to good or bad to bad but when you are ambling on the higher level of good even to the bad, you need to be careful as you could be a culprit in nature's site to not making people realize their bad side.


NOTICE THE HIDDEN The Title itself tell us to have a core attention to notice the hidden! As we move further into the discussion we need to ...