Here comes the point! Power doesn't only comes in a positive way, rather it also exists in negative way too.
Most of the time people get deep down within the darkness of this world, our souls griefs as if there is nothing good left behind. Many time we get stuck to some bad choices which will be dragging us towards the dark tunnel and end up with hopeless heart and sorrowful soul. Sometimes even though we want to get out of those darkness or the bad choices, the power of negativity hold us so tight that we won't be able to focus on the light end of that dark tunnel!
We all know indeed that GOD has blessed us with more power then other creatures, but when u drowning down to the dark tunnel we often realize our blessings given by the Almighty!
And now comes the trun overs, the voice of The Almighty! Which was never departed nor moved away from us. It's just needed our attention and focus towards it's power, the real power, the positive power!
This power has the ability and the power over the negative power. Indeed! This needs your supplication and submission to lead you towards the light, end of that dark tunnel where you got stuck!
All you need to do is to put onn your eyes and focus only on the light with hope which strengthens you to figure out the things and fight, once we focus on the light the most high nothing matters you at all, Relations, desires, expectations, dreams, separations nothing at all because your joy, your happiness, your strength comes only from The Almighty.
The moment you allow The Almighty in your life and know that power has control over every single thing in your life, here begins your next life.
A life full of light, joy, happiness, faithfulness, full of hope and strength. You start feeling the goodness and blessings with you which was already there deep inside.
All we need to do now is to focus just on the light which has lighten up our life.