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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Let's give a try!

Hi everyone¡ Hope you all  are doing well, no matter where and what is surrounded you. Yes! Mostly am talking about this ongoing Covid pandemic. Because of this many thing have stopped us doing what we really want and to do, and ofcourse  many things must be going on in your mind with lots and lots of doubts,  like is it OK to do so or what will happen if we do or what reaction does people give if we so,  you must be thinking its better to wait for now , these are the ongoing doubts we must be getting during this pandemic. 
So let's give a "try" !
When we are completely confused in something, a small voice  wispers "let's give a try  ", that's what your inner strength and capability wispers to you. 
Before you going to give up just think why you have started. When you know it's important to you then you have to give a try for it because may be it's waiting for you last try! 
Holding yourself back with the fear of failure will never give you the chance to know your capacity, your strength and your capability to get through it. Your mistakes shows you are moving forward towards your dreams and even it show you are above then people who don't even give a try. 
Let your learn from your mistakes and your mistakes turns your teacher!  Because I hear somewhere that your best teacher is your last mistake. 
Not taking your much time which is so precious,  at last want to tell you, do not fear of your mistakes or your negative thoughts and just "GIVE A TRY "  ! 
Somthing must be waiting for your 'last try'. So go for it and make a difference. 
Wish you a very successful and optimistic week ahead.


Mahek said...

Wish u the same dear... And yes u r right our inner voice is what God say to us..follow your intuition and u will be in a right place..

Sunshine said...

Gald you like it dear @mahekk


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