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Sunday, September 13, 2020


We all know how kindness can make a big difference in someone's life, but most of the time we couldn't do or act with kindness, it's just because we all are going through with our own battles. 
Your one small kind word can give someone the courage to do what they couldn't do and even to do it in a much better way. 
No matter where, personal or professional wherever you see you can encourage someone with a small Thank you!  To you it's just a word but to someone it means a lot, your thank you to anyone like to an auto-driver who takes you to your office or to the vegetable vendors in the market when you purchase something just say thank you and you can see that beautiful smile which takes out their whole worries for a moment. 
 I believe kindness is needed everywhere  and almost everytime. It is something which cost you nothing but can allow you to make someone feel worthy. Small acts of Kindness makes someone's day, someone's life meaningful. Practicing kindness can make yourself feel better, gives you happiness and make you feel you have accomplished something, something like respect which is a give and take act. Helping others can make you faster, boost your immune system, slow down your ageing as it gives you peace and happiness. 
Let's make a change, let's act kindly  with each others. Let Kindness be the first thought before you start your day. Am sure you gonna see the difference in your life, a difference which cost nothing but  gives you endless happiness and respectful position.   


Hassan said...


Anonymous said...

Well said Dear Sunshine. Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the Universe, irrespective of your look.., It is fashionable and always welcome and never ever overrated. Wonderful to read and Inspirational. All the very best.



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