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Sunday, September 6, 2020

Your creativity is your success stair!

What it means?  
It's your own way to make a change, it even calls as your uniqueness.  Everyone of us have some differences, the way we think, the way we look towards things has our own understanding. 
Some may be good in house work and some in business management. Some may be good in outdoor games and some in indoors. God has made us equal with two eyes ,two ears ,one nose and one mouth and all we have the same brain and body structure but what make us feel different is the way we look towards the things, the situations, the way we act differently makes a difference between us. 
Your creativity can come out when you stop fearing. Most of the time we think if we do it in a different way does it work well or does people going to make fun of me or am going to loose my level of respect. Always remember, when you couldn't believe in yourself, no one well! 
Let people laugh but without failure you could never understand the joy of success. Failure is just the next opportunity to move forward with more awareness towards your goals. 
Success comes to those who fight against every single hurdle which try to stop them to reach out . There is nothing like a shortcut or any magic to get succeed. It's your own creative mind who is ready to start working and who is waiting for your order to think ,to look and to make a difference in your life. No matter how big your problem can be you have that power to solve it, it's just that you need to know that you are worth more then you think. 
As we grow older ,we get through many things, which give us the experience to know how things can work differently. We encounter many people who show us the other way to get through our problems but just think if we would have know these all before we encounter it!, we could have done it in more better way. That's  what we can do it with our coming generation ,childrens are always ready to grab new ideas as they only know there is nothing like worries, they never fear to try something new and that's what the exact time to teach them and to make them understand their creativity can take them towards success. Let you look where they are perfect in, let you encourage them rather then forcing them to do what everyone did. When you as parents become their support, their encouraging partner, trust me there will be a day when every single person  feels worth being a human. 
Many of us going through different problems no matter weather we talk about it or not but everyone of us is almost not happy with one or other thing. The point is,  can we change our views towards whatever we are going through?  As I said we already have that power to control our views towards anything and that's what we call as creativity!  What you can see and what people see ,if that's making  difference, then that's what makes you creative. Creativity is not just making different things but it help us in many ways in our life if we allow.
So let's start looking in a different and creative way to our problems or the hurdles which is trying to stop us moving forward. Let we show our unique power to every single hurdle which thinks we gonna stop because of it! 
Yes we are humans, we have that power to solve anything which try to stop us! 
Yes you have that power! Show it to the world and be proud of yourself. 


Anonymous said...

Good one

Anonymous said...

Good one

Hassan said...

Creativity can change the way of Life..
Nice blog


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